Saturday, March 12, 2011

ABSTRACT, Protection on Transmission Overhead Line Used Distance Relay

   1.   Jafarian, P., Sanaye-Pasand, M., 2011. Weighted least error squares based variable window phasor estimator for distance relaying application. Iet Generation Transmission & Distribution 5, 298-306.
Abstract: This study presents an adaptive data window algorithm for fast and accurate signal phasor estimation. The proposed approach is based on weighted least error squares algorithm as well as variable data window estimation technique. An adaptive model is used for the input signal during the two stages. The first stage is considered to accelerate the relay first zone operation. This is done through applying a forgetting factor in the cost function computation, by which the effect of older samples on the estimation is reduced to decrease the initial inertia of the phasor estimator. The second stage starts one cycle after occurrence of the fault. This algorithm is used to improve the estimation accuracy and helps to obtain better estimation for the fault location. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, various simulation studies are carried out. The algorithm is also evaluated using some field data recorded from a high-voltage transmission system. The obtained results confirm accurate, fast and reliable response of the proposed algorithm. It not only accelerates the relay operation but also improves the digital filters' capability of reducing the estimation error because of power system frequency deviation, harmonics, inter-harmonics and decaying dc component

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

ABSTRACT - Expert System Fault Transmission Overhead Line Protection System

   1.   Guo, W.X., Wen, F.S., Liao, Z.W., Wei, L.H., Xin, J.B., 2010. An Analytic Model-Based Approach for Power System Alarm Processing Employing Temporal Constraint Network. Ieee Transactions on Power Delivery 25, 2435-2447.

Abstract: The alarm-processing problem is to interpret a large number of alarms under stress conditions, such as faults or disturbances, by providing summarized and synthesized information instead of a flood of raw alarm data. Alarm timestamps represent the temporal relationship among event occurrences and consist of rich and useful information for alarm processing. However, the temporal information has not been well utilized in existing alarm-processing methods. The temporal constraint network (TCN) is a type of directed acyclic graph suitable for representing temporal logics. Based on TCN, a new analytic model is developed for alarm processing with temporal information taken into account. Three major modules are included in the developed approach or alarm processor (i.e., alarm selection, event analysis, and result evaluation). In the alarm selection module, reported alarms are divided into related

Friday, February 18, 2011


1. Jamali, S., Ghaffarzadeh, N., 2010. A wavelet packet based method for adaptive single-pole auto-reclosing. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science C-Computers & Electronics 11, 1016-1024.

We present a new algorithm for adaptive single-pole auto-reclosing of power transmission lines using wavelet packet transform. The db8 wavelet packet decomposes the faulted phase voltage waveform to obtain the coefficients of the nodes 257, 259 to 262. An index is then defined from the sum of the energy coefficients of these nodes. By evaluating the index, transient and permanent faults, as well as the secondary arc extinction instant, can be identified. The significant advantage of the proposed algorithm is that it does not need a threshold level and therefore its performance is independent of fault location, line parameters, and operating conditions. Moreover, it can be used in transmission lines with reactor compensation. The proposed method has been successfully tested under a variety of fault conditions on a 400 kV overhead line of the Iranian National Grid using the Electro-Magnetic Transient Program (EMTP). The test results validated the algorithm's ability in distinguishing between transient arcing and permanent faults and determining the instant of secondary arc extinction

Saturday, February 12, 2011


1. Yang, J., Fletcher, J.E., O'Reilly, J., 2010. Multiterminal DC Wind Farm Collection Grid Internal Fault Analysis and Protection Design. Ieee Transactions on Power Delivery 25, 2308-2318.
        The multiterminal dc wind farm is a promising topology with a voltage-source inverter (VSI) connection at the onshore grid. Voltage-source converters (VSCs) are robust to ac-side fault conditions. However, they are vulnerable to dc faults on the dc side of the converter. This paper analyzes dc faults, their transients, and the resulting protection issues. Overcurrent faults are analyzed in detail and provide an insight into protection system design. The radial wind farm topology with star or string connection is considered. The outcomes may be applicable for VSCs in the multi-VSC dc wind farm collection grid and VSC-based high-voltage direct current (HVDC) offshore transmission systems

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Particle Swarm Optimization

James Kennedy' and Russell Eberhart
Washington, DC 20212
kennedyjim @bls .gov
2Purdue School of Engineering and Technology
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5160
eberhart @ engr.iupui .edu
A concept for the optimization of nonlinear functions using particle swarm methodology is introduced.The evolution of several paradigms is outlined, and an implementation of one of the paradigms is  discussed. Benchmark testing of the paradigm is described, and applications, including nonlinear  function optimization and neural network training, are proposed. The relationships between particle  swarm optimization and both artificial life and genetic algorithms are described,

Saturday, January 22, 2011


   Oleh : Makmur saini, A.M.Siddiq, Andareas Pangkung
              Dosen Program Studi  Konversi  Energi
              Politeknik Negeri   Ujung .Pandang
                    Dibiayai Dikti  Rp 85 Juta (Penelitian  Hibah Bersaing  2009 dan 2010 )

The particular aims of this research are to produce a lighting arrester system and its grounded which is largely applied in industry, for example lighting arrester system and grounded guardhouse, transmission couplingwire channel and is applied in multistage building, neither public nor private property. Whereas, the long term purposes of this research are to develop curriculum, syllabus, laboratory tools, and also to increase abilities and quantities of graduate student continuously neither in Politeknik site nor outside it.
In this research, the lighting arrester and grounded system are made. The lighting arresters in the outside of the building structure function as to capture or to receive thunderclap attach and transfer it to land safely. In this research there are 5 depth electrode variation are made, they are 3 meters, 5 meters, 9 meters, 12 meters, and 5 plat electrode large-variation, they are 1x1 meters2, 0,75x0,75meters2, 0,5x0,5meters2, 0,35x0,35meters2, 0,25x0,25meters2.


 Oleh : Makmur saini, Remigius Tandioga, Andareas Pangkung
            Dosen Program Studi  Konvers Energi       
            Politeknik Negeri U.Pandang 
                  Dibiaya Dikti Rp 45 Juta (Penelitian  Hibah Bersaing 2008)


On one hand, the particular objective of this research is to yield the software program in order to control efficiently the important aspects in electric power systems which can be implemented in industries. In the other hand, the long-term objective is to extend the curriculum, syllabi, laboratory facilities, and to improve the abilities and qualities of graduates continuously either within Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic or outside it. Method used to achieve these objectives is making, design and implementation which will be last two years respectively.

Automated Fault Analysis in the Indonesian Power Utility: A Case Study of South Sulawesi Transmission System

1. Mustarum Musaruddin
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
e-mail :
2 Rastko Zivanovic

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
e-mail :

Abstract—Data recorded during faults in transmission network are used by control centre personnel to analyze the protection  system and to decide on remedial actions that will restore normal  network operation as fast as possible. The increasing number of  installed digital fault recorders (DFRs) and other intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in substations has resulted in a large  number of fault records to be analyzed by the power system  engineer. Manual analysis of these records is both timeconsuming  and complex and for these reasons, many records may  not be examined and much of their potential value would be lost.  Determining how to make effective analysis of these records is a  challenge being faced by many power utilities. The main purpose  of this paper is to propose enhancements to the manual  investigation of faults and disturbances that currently are  performed by engineers in the Indonesian power utilities. In this  paper, a new software framework for Automated Fault Analysis  is proposed based on Application Service Provider (ASP) technology, which has lately received special attention in the development of distributed systems. Demonstrations of the  following services currently implemented in the ASP are  presented: signal pre-processing, fault analysis and protection  performance analysis. The fault scenario from South Sulawesi transmission system is investigated to test the feature of the services
 Keywords: Automated Fault Analysis; Application Service Provide 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Utilization of Digital Fault Recorders in Protection System Analysis on Tenaga Nasional Berhad Transmission System


Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd Zin, Senior Member, IEEE, and Sazali P. Abdul Karim

Abstract—The protection system is a very critical element in a power system. It is security to the power system for isolating only the faulty plant as fast as possible. A simple fault can lead to a cascade of tripping if it is not isolated accurately and fast enough by the protection system. Furthermore, protection system analysis is a  complicated task for inexperienced engineers. Most of the analysis relied mainly on the relay indications which could lead to incorrect analysis due to the uncertainty of the correct relay operations and  time tagging. Therefore, it is an urgent requirement to explore protection  system analysis to improve system reliability. This paper  describes a method of early detection of protection system failures  in Tenaga Nasional Berhad’s  Transmission Grid using digital fault  recorders. The method has demonstrated to be more accurate, thus
enabling faster decision making and shorter interruption time. Index Terms—Digital fault recorder (DFR), hidden failures, protection  system analysis (PSA).

The Application of Fault Signature Analysis in Tenaga Nasional Berhad Malaysia


Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd Zin, Senior Member, IEEE, and Sazali P. Abdul Karim

Abstract—Unplanned electrical power outages are a major concern to power utilities throughout the whole world. Unfortunately,power outages will continue to occur and they cannot be fully prevented.It could be the result of lightning strikes, tree encroachment,or equipment failure. However, the impact can be reduced
if power system operators are equipped with the appropriate tools to analyze the root cause of the failure. Without sufficient tools to identify the nature of a fault, the restoration process could be delayed because the operator does not know whether it is safe to normalize  the isolated line. This paper describes the new and simplified fault signature analysis approach on Tenaga Nasional Berhad  using a digital fault recorder. The research focuses on the contribution  of the lightning strike and tree encroachment to the overhead  line tripping in Malaysia.Index Terms—Blackout, digital fault recorder (DFR), fault signature  analysis (FSA).

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Survey of Particle Swarm Optimization Applications in Electric Power Systems

M. R. AlRashidi, Student Member, IEEE, and M. E. El-Hawary, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Particle swarm optimization (PSO) has received increased attention in many research fields recently. This paper presents a comprehensive coverage of different PSO applications in solving optimization problems in the area of electric power systems. It highlights the PSO key features and advantages over other various optimization algorithms. Furthermore, recent trends with regard to PSO development in this area are explored.
This paper also discusses PSO possible future applications in the area of electric power systems and its potential theoretical studies. Index Terms—Particle swarm optimization (PSO), power system control, power system operations

A New Optimizer Using Particle Swarm Theory

Russell Eberhart
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5 160

 James Kennedy
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Washington, DC 20212


The optimization of nonlinear functions using particle swarm methodology is described. Implementations of two paradigms are discussed and compared, including a recently developed locally oriented paradigm. Benchmark testing of both paradigms is described, and applications, including neural network training and robot task learning, are proposed. Relationships between particle swarm optimization and both artificial life and evolutionary computation are reviewed.