Saturday, January 22, 2011

Automated Fault Analysis in the Indonesian Power Utility: A Case Study of South Sulawesi Transmission System

1. Mustarum Musaruddin
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
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2 Rastko Zivanovic

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The University of Adelaide
Adelaide, Australia
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Abstract—Data recorded during faults in transmission network are used by control centre personnel to analyze the protection  system and to decide on remedial actions that will restore normal  network operation as fast as possible. The increasing number of  installed digital fault recorders (DFRs) and other intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in substations has resulted in a large  number of fault records to be analyzed by the power system  engineer. Manual analysis of these records is both timeconsuming  and complex and for these reasons, many records may  not be examined and much of their potential value would be lost.  Determining how to make effective analysis of these records is a  challenge being faced by many power utilities. The main purpose  of this paper is to propose enhancements to the manual  investigation of faults and disturbances that currently are  performed by engineers in the Indonesian power utilities. In this  paper, a new software framework for Automated Fault Analysis  is proposed based on Application Service Provider (ASP) technology, which has lately received special attention in the development of distributed systems. Demonstrations of the  following services currently implemented in the ASP are  presented: signal pre-processing, fault analysis and protection  performance analysis. The fault scenario from South Sulawesi transmission system is investigated to test the feature of the services
 Keywords: Automated Fault Analysis; Application Service Provide 

The objectives of every electric power utility are to  maintain network integrity and stability throughout, and to
promote higher reliability of power supply to customers  without interruption. To support these objectives, many  attempts are made to enhance automatic protective relaying  systems. One of the attempts is to improve the quality of  information available to human operators or controllers in the  control centers via automated fault analysis. The analyses rely  on data recorded during disturbances. In recent years, the
volume of recorded data has increased due to the increasing number of recording devices in substations. The investigation and management of disturbance records takes considerable  time and will require skilled personnel. Manual analysis of  these records is time-consuming and very complex.  To enhance such analysis we are proposing use of  standardized automated fault analysis services provided via  Application Service Provider (ASP). The services could be  used in automated way and in conjunction with the rule-based  system that captures knowledge of experienced investigation  engineers [1]. Individual services can be used for semiautomatic  analysis when we follow step-by-step investigation  procedure and solve all required tasks using the investigation  services. This approach can be followed when analyzing very  complex disturbances or to verify result of the automated  analysis.  This paper describes motivations, some requirements and  possible solutions for an investigation of fault and disturbances  in the Indonesian power utility.

Since 2002 Indonesian power utility is operating  Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system at  South Sulawesi transmission system and has introduced  Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) such as Digital  Protective Relays (DPRs) and Digital Fault Recorders (DFRs)  on all transmission feeders. There are several types of data that  can be produced by IEDs such as: oscillography data, setting data, fault data and event record data [2]. The analysis of the  data coming from these IEDs can provide valuable  information to controllers with respect to the operating of  power system. In case of fault occurs in power system, the SCADA system will get information on the status of that line  if the line is disconnected due to protection action, but there is  no information available to describe the issue. Control centre personnel who are in charge of controlling circuit breakers via  SCADA system need more detailed information about the  fault and performance of circuit breakers and protection  system to make decision on how to restore the line into service. The protection engineer will analyze the event and  give to the system operator the necessary information related  to the fault. In this investigation the protection engineer will  mostly use data available in relays and other IEDs. In the  Indonesian power utility, the protection engineer has to go to the substation to upload all disturbance records to their laptop  and investigate these records using suitable software that can
be converted to Common Format for Transient Data Exchange  (COMTRADE) [3]. COMTRADE is an IEEE standard for  digital data that commonly used by protection engineer to  investigate faults and disturbances. When several engineers in  an organization with different experience are investigating  events it is most likely that different standards and tools are  being used. Thereby the possibility to have very different
disturbance reports is high and in some cases might lead to  even false conclusions. This situation can be clearly prevented  if all investigation engineers follow the same procedure and  use the same services that are organized and provided via  ASP. The proposed new approach would be through automatic  or semi-automatic use of the investigation services provided  through an ASP. The ASP based fault and disturbance
investigation is a solution that will speed up the investigation  process in order to find out the root cause of faults and  disturbances and provide a report to control centre personnel  in timely manner. One advantage of ASP-based investigation  is that will insure a more consistent analysis of faults .

The proposal for automated fault analysis in the Indonesian  power utility has been described in this paper. Several services are proposed in order to enhance manual analysis that  currently implemented by protection engineers. A case study  of South Sulawesi transmission system is discussed with the  analysis results.

Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSITY TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA. Downloaded on July 31,2010 at 17:11:49 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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