Oleh : Makmur saini, A.M.Siddiq, Andareas Pangkung
Dosen Program Studi Konversi Energi
Politeknik Negeri Ujung .Pandang
Politeknik Negeri Ujung .Pandang
Dibiayai Dikti Rp 85 Juta (Penelitian Hibah Bersaing 2009 dan 2010 )
The particular aims of this research are to produce a lighting arrester system and its grounded which is largely applied in industry, for example lighting arrester system and grounded guardhouse, transmission couplingwire channel and is applied in multistage building, neither public nor private property. Whereas, the long term purposes of this research are to develop curriculum, syllabus, laboratory tools, and also to increase abilities and quantities of graduate student continuously neither in Politeknik site nor outside it.
In this research, the lighting arrester and grounded system are made. The lighting arresters in the outside of the building structure function as to capture or to receive thunderclap attach and transfer it to land safely. In this research there are 5 depth electrode variation are made, they are 3 meters, 5 meters, 9 meters, 12 meters, and 5 plat electrode large-variation, they are 1x1 meters2, 0,75x0,75meters2, 0,5x0,5meters2, 0,35x0,35meters2, 0,25x0,25meters2.